Card Details
Annual fee0 €
Regular purchase APR19.94%
Additional rates & fees
- Annual Fee
- 0 €
- Regular Purchase APR
- 19.94%
- Cash Advance
- 19.94%
- Foreign Transaction Fee
- 2.99%
- Replacement Card
- 15 €
* See the online provider's credit card application for details about terms and conditions. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accurate information. However, all credit card information is presented without warranty. When you click on the "Apply Now" button, you can review the credit card terms and conditions on the provider's website.
Card details
- 0€ annual fee
- Automatic repayment
- Up to 4000€ Limit
Normally, the first credit limit is around 300€ per month, but after a few months of on-time-payment this limit will be increased.
You also don’t need a new bank account, you just have to wire the money from your existing bank account to your credit card account. Additionally, the credit period is up to seven weeks.